This Morning, we enjoyed a change of scenery for our Stay & Play session.  We ventured across the school field to our woodland area for some festive activities around the campfire. 

Mrs O'Toole read "The Night Before Christmas" whilst we served hot chocolate, mince pies and festive treats then we sang some well known and loved festive songs.  Mrs Sadgrove also joined us for the festivities and keeping us safe around the fire.  She also brought homemade reindeer food to give to the children, which they found hanging from the trees.

The weather did not dampen our spirits as we decided to head back to the library for another festive story from Miss Gower called " What's a Christmas?" followed by some more singing and dancing to our favourite holiday songs. 

We would like to thank you all for braving the weather and joining us this morning, and we hope you had a lovely time. 

Next week, we have a very special session planned for our last Stay & Play of 2023.  As a school, we will all be celebrating Jolly Jumper day, so please feel free to join us in wearing your favourite festive clothing.