The purpose of governance is to provide confident and strong strategic leadership which leads to robust accountability, oversight, and assurance for educational and financial performance.
All governance boards, no matter what type of school or how many schools they govern, have three core functions:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
- Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
Meet Our Governors

Mrs Belinda Matchett
Chair of Governors (Co-opted Governor)
Appointed 19 May 2015 Expiry 18 May 2027
I am a retired Specialist Clinical Physiologist having worked in the NHS for over 43 years. I have held posts in The Walton Centre (where I was Child Protection Lead), the Royal Liverpool Hospital, and Alder Hey Hospital. I am married with 2 children and 3 grandchildren. I was previously a Parent Governor at Wigan Road School (now Ormskirk School) when my children attended there and have always had an interest in Education and wanted to give something back to the local community. I was a Civilian Instructor with Ormskirk 1026 Air Cadet Squadron for almost 20 years which I really enjoyed. During that time, I taught First Aid, shooting skills, and map reading to cadets. I have been a Co-opted governor at Burscough Village Primary School since Feb 2008 (Chair since 2010) and thoroughly enjoy seeing all the children progress through the school.

Mr Scott Rimmer
Vice Chair of Governors (Parent Governor)
Appointed 1 April 2017 Expiry 1 April 2027
With two boys at Burscough Village Primary I have seen first-hand the wonderful skills, knowledge and experiences the school provides for the children. As a Parent Governor, I hope to play a small part in helping the school maintain and grow its excellence and high standards for the pupils, parents, and community. I am an IT Consultant and work for a large European IT services company, where I help Government Departments and agencies adopt the latest digital technologies. I am experienced in project management, strategy, and technology which I am keen to extend to the school in my role as Parent Governor.

Mr David Canavan
Co-opted Governor
Appointed 7 December 2017 Expiry 7 December 2025
My professional background was as an engineer and senior manager for a multi-national construction company up until my retirement some five years ago. My involvement as a School Governor with Burscough Village Primary School commenced soon after my retirement. I play an active role as a Co-opted Governor and enjoy the challenges that we have to face in these difficult educational times. two of my Grandchildren are currently being schooled locally as were my own children. I believe strongly in the principle that one should endeavour to give back to one’s community and my involvement with BVPS provides me with that opportunity.

Mr Jamie Gregg
Parent Governor
Appointed 7 December 2021 Expiry 7 December 2025
Both of my children attend BVPS and have thoroughly enjoy their time in school. Since I first visited for a tour I was thoroughly impressed with the staff, children and culture so I wanted to give a little back to the school community. I encourage the school to offer a broad range of experiences for the children to grow, achieve and build up resilience. I work for Merseyside Fire & Rescue service so have plenty of experience working to create the best for communities, performing in high-pressure situations, and making crucial decisions. Most importantly I want all our children to have a happy time at BVPS, making long-lasting friendships and memories.

Mr Jonathan Allan
Co-opted Governor
Appointed 7 December 2021 Expiry 7 December 2025
I first became involved in School Governance when my children attended Secondary school in Southport firstly as a Parent Governor then as a Community Governor. I was Chair of the Finance Committee and sat on the Staffing Committee. I did that for 7 years before leaving. After retiring from my job at a Local Authority, I was contacted by BVPS and asked if I would be interested in joining the Governing Body. I'm a great believer in thinking if you have the opportunity to give back you should. BVPS is an excellent School I'm privileged to offer my support and advice to such a wonderful staff team.

Mr Michael Nolan
Parent Governor
Appointed 1 December 2022 Expiry 1 December 2026
I have two children at the school and have been impressed by the welcoming and supportive community at Burscough Village Primary so decided to stand as a parent governor to help give something back. As well as my role on the governing board, I am a primary school governor member of the Lancashire Schools Forum, a statutory body that advises the council on matters relating to school funding and has certain decision-making powers. Professionally, I work for a university managing their website and digital marketing services. I have twenty years' of experience in IT and marketing, mostly in the higher education sector, and hope to bring some of that knowledge and experience to the school. In my spare time, I volunteer as an Explorer Scout leader and was previously a trustee of Ormskirk & District Scouts.

Mrs Elaine Williams
Coopted Governor
Appointed 23 January 2023 Expiry 23 January 2028
My name is Elaine Williams, and I am a Local Authority governor. I was a primary school teacher in Lancashire for over 20 years and now work for an education team in a neighbouring Local Authority. I wanted to be a governor to contribute to a school community. I have been impressed by the dedication of the staff and the ethos of BVPS. I live in West Lancashire and outside work I enjoy walking my two dogs and working at my allotment.

Mrs Anna Yates
Appointed 1 April 2017 Expiry 1 April 2027

Mrs Vicki Newsome
Staff Governor
Appointed 1 March 2021 Expiry 1 March 2025
I have been working in the education sector for 6 years, following a successful 20 + year career in product, brand, and digital marketing. I have been a School Business Manager for Burscough Village Primary School for 4 years and a governor since 2021. I love the diversity of the role and making a difference to the children’s lives. Recently completing the CMDA with first-class honors, I strive to offer a strategic approach to the school leader role, with the ultimate goal of making everyone in the school’s life a little easier through systems, procedures and sourcing grants/donations to support the school improvements. Outside of school life, I am a busy mum with two teenage daughters who need driving to different dance and drama clubs.

Vacancy - Co-opted Governor x 2 & Local Authorityx 1

Vacancy - Parent Governor