On Thursday 23rd November BVPS attended the Divine Day Community Awards at the Dunkenhaulgh Hotel. During the evening we were delighted to find out that Miss Smith had won - Education Leader of the Year. Thank you to everyone who voted.

‘This award recognises an inspirational leader who brings a clear vision of what they want to achieve. One who has made significant contributions to improve the outcomes for children and young people, and who motivates, encourages, and supports both staff, children, and young people to be happy, thrive and reach their full potential.’

Miss Smith commented "Well done' to you all. I couldn't do my job without the fabulous staff, governors, parents and children that I work with. I feel like over the past year, we have learned so much about supporting children with additional needs. We have all grown and this has allowed us to provide a first-class experience for our children. Under Mrs Beevers passion and guidance, our SEND provision is now diverse. Our main strength is that we care about the children and want to make a difference."