As part of Parliament Week, all schools in Lancashire were invited to take part in a competition to present their ideas on an issue affecting Lancashire and how it can be resolved by 2050!
We were delighted to find out a couple of weeks ago that 3 children from Year 5 were the West Lancashire winners and were invited to attend the grand final debate today at County Hall, Preston.
The children delivered a powerful speech on early years education in Lancashire and made some excellent suggestions on how this can be improved. They were able to answer all the counselors' questions on specific topics e.g. early reading.
We were unfortunately not chosen as the overall group winner, however, the children received excellent feedback and were told that they were animated and natural public speakers.
One member of the group was awarded the overall best individual public speaker for the whole of Lancashire. Well Done - we may have a future prime minister at BVPS.
You can now watch the full video on our You Tube channel skip to 56 minutes if you would like to watch BVPS.